How to Prevent H1N1, Swine Flew?

Swine Flu is spreading like a pandemic. Every day new cases are being reported creating quite a panic in the society. I, being a doctor, thought of creating a group for itimes members where you can join in ask any question that comes to your mind about this disease.

When the outbreak was declared , I was attending a fellowship programme in Italy & France, It spread from Mexico and US to Europe. Maybe, we were not serious at the initial stages. And it spread via international passengers to India.

Washing hands is the single-most important factor in preventing the spread of infection in the case of the H1N1 virus. "Hands should be washed with soap or an alcohol-based sanitiser, said Dilip Sarda, president of the city unit of Indian Medical Association (IMA). "One should wash one's hands at least six or seven times a day."

He advises people to follow basic hygiene habits and remain cautious but not panic. "It is not necessary that every flu patient is infected with H1N1. So people should not be afraid if they see an ill person," he said. "The H1N1 virus is very mild in our country," he added.

When sneezing or coughing, tissue paper should be used, he emphasised. After use, the tissues should be thrown in a proper rubbish bin. The H1N1 virus does not spread through water or food.

"Family members of suspected H1N1 patients, or patients of any other disease should take special precautions, including sanitising telephone receivers, door handles and other frequently handled objects," said Sarda. Family members should keep a distance of at least three feet from the suspected patient.

Those who feel unwell should first go to family doctors, instead of running straight to Naidu hospital, Sarda advised.

He also said that efforts should be taken to increase immunity, including getting a good night's rest, drinking adequate water and doing exercise.

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